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We have BSL Deaf Communicators, BSL Communication Support WorkerBSL Interpreters and Deaf Relay Interpreters who can help you communicate.

They can support YOU in many different ways:

  • Provide interpreting support using British sign language (BSL)

  • Help D/deaf or hard of hearing people understand conversations, for example with GP doctors, in hospitals, and in the workplace

  • Provide English modification support by adapting BSL to English and vice versa, documents, letters, and other similar literature into modified English, deaf-friendly language, including BSL video clips.

The communication support workers (CSWs) and sign language interpreters have years of experience in a number of sectors including legal, social services, benefits, health as well as education settings. 
This means we have a good understanding of the issues that you may encounter. 


Register here if you would like to be part of the Team . 

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© Copyright - DMCS. Deaf Multilingual Community Support .
Registered Community Interest Company number 10506751.

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